Thursday, October 23, 2014

An Internet Marketing Firm & Its Focus On Recent Acquisitions

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By Robert Sutter

To say the least, businesses have the goal of growing as much as possible. This can be done through various processes, marketing included, but stagnancy is undoubtedly a company's worst enemy. However, in recent times, many companies have taken part in acquisitions and any Internet marketing firm will be able to illustrate them as well. For those who are curious about the acquisitions in question, take these examples into mind for the future.

One of the biggest, in my view, was when Yahoo purchased the microblogging network known as Tumblr. This was done back in May of last year and to say that it was notable would have been an understatement. Given the fact that Tumblr caters to a strong audience, it made sense that Yahoo would purchase it, allowing the company in question to get into the social media business by proxy. The acquisition in question cost Yahoo $1.1 billion.

What about the purchase of WhatsApp done on the part of Facebook? To give a brief summary, back in February of this year, WhatsApp was purchased by Facebook, the price in question being the strong statistic of $19 billion. No one can argue with the fact that this instant messaging service is quite popular amongst mobile users, whether they use Apple devices, Android platforms, or what have you. Regardless, this particular purchase served both companies quite nicely.

When it comes to the idea of content, which is crucial in the eyes of firms the likes of fishbat, Microsoft's purchase of Mojang cannot go overlooked. The reason why this is the case is because of Mojang's ownership of the popular video game known as "Minecraft." What this purchase, made in September, means is that Microsoft is currently the owner of one of the best-selling video games of all-time. To say that this is a strong piece of news, to any Internet marketing firm or otherwise, would be putting it mildly.

These are just a few of the most noteworthy purchases, in recent memory, when regarding social media. Business, as stated earlier, possess the desire to grow and become even better than they already are. Acquisitions and partnerships alike are able to go about this, which has been illustrated by examples like the ones mentioned earlier. If you are someone who considers themselves not only social media but business-savvy, these examples cannot be overlooked.

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